Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shutting Down

Sadly I am seriously debating on shutting down my blog. I had become to busy I cannot keep up with it. I love to blog, I mean love it,but I just can't keep up with two of them anymore. Im keeping my Life is Better Blonde blog up and running and you can also follow me on my Facebook for all of my updates on my craft shows, new feed sacks, new tarts, etc. Im going to try to post everything on my Life Is Better Blonde Blog.
Sorry Ladies.. I wish I could keep up with it all.


  1. You're only one person and at least you're on FB! Good luck!

  2. Hey Samantha! I'm just now using one of the tarts that came with my bunny win back in the spring, and I'd love to get another - It smells wonderful, but I misplaced the name - I think it has Amish in the title?


I love to hear everything you have to say. I read each & every comment that is posted. And I try to respond to each comment.