Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Its Finally FALL

September 1st means the first day of the fall season. Finally. It seems like it took forever to get here. College football is just begginning, its the start of a wonderful season. Thank you to everyone who signed up for my giveaway again. I will be doing another giveaway soon.

This weekend I got a another apron done. Brown with small white poka dot ruffle and a baby blue fabric with cooking untensils as the actual apron. The pocket the brown with a small baby blue piece across the top. I think I like this apron the best so far. The picture does not do justice for the apron at all.

Same style apron. Bright colors. I can't wait to finish this one tonight. Should be able to finish it in 20 mins or so and begin on something else.

"Magic Reindeer Food"

Kids absolutely love this. I make this every year and sell in my moms craft shows. "Sprinkle upon your lawn on Christmas eve to attract the reindeer. I usually have teachers come and buy some for their students.


- glitter



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